(function (ng) { 'use strict'; ng.module('liquidpixels.controllers', ['ui.bootstrap', 'ngSanitize']) .controller('MessageBoxController', ['$scope', '$modalInstance', 'title', 'message', 'buttons', function ($scope, $modalInstance, title, message, buttons) { $scope.title = title; $scope.message = message; $scope.buttons = buttons; $scope.close = function (value) { $modalInstance.close(value); } $scope.modal = $modalInstance; }]); ng.module('liquidpixels.directive', []); ng.module('liquidpixels.filters', []); ng.module('liquidpixels', ['liquidpixels.directive', 'liquidpixels.filters', 'liquidpixels.controllers']) .run(["$templateCache", function ($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("template/typeahead-item.html", "
") }]) .run(["$templateCache", function ($templateCache) { $templateCache.put("template/dialog/message.html", '') }]) .run(['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) { $templateCache.put('/templates/keyvalue.html', "
" + "
" + "" + "" + "
" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
" + "
" + "" + "" + "
" + "
" + "
" ) }]) .run(['$templateCache', function ($templateCache) { $templateCache.put('/templates/cbtree.html', "
" + "
" + "
" + "" + "
" + "
" ) }]); })(angular); /** * Gestisce il load delle immagini con un'animazione in caso di src funzionante. * In caso di errori mostra immagine 1x1 transparente. */ ;(function(ng, ngmodule) { ngmodule.directive('lpBgimage', ['$log',function($log){ var transparentPixel = "%3D"; return { restrict: 'A', scope: { lpBgimage: '@', delay: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { element.addClass('lp-bgimage'); scope.$watch('lpBgimage', function (newValue) { var src = newValue; try { if (ng.isDefined(src)) { element.addClass('loading'); var image = new Image(); ng.element(image).on('load error', function(e){ element.removeClass('loading'); if (e.type=='error') { $log.error("Image loading error:\nUrl: {0}\nMessage: {1}", [src, e.message]); if (emptyImage != null) ng.element(element).css({ 'background-image': emptyImage }); } else { ng.element(element).animate({ opacity: 0 }, scope.delay, function () { ng.element(element) .css({ 'background-image': 'url('+src+')' }) .animate({ opacity: 1 }, scope.delay); }); } }); image.src = src; } else { if (emptyImage != null) ng.element(element).css({ 'background-image': emptyImage }); } } catch (e) { $log.error(e.message); } }); } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive')); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpCbtree', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { require: '^ngModel', restrict: 'E', replace: 'true', transclude: 'false', templateUrl: '/templates/cbtree.html', scope: { ngModel: '=', // [{name:'',id:'',parent_id:''}] choices: '=' // [{name:'',id:'',parent_id:''}] }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { scope.options = []; var selfChanged = false; // usato per non fare init se la modifica di ngModel è fatta dalla direttiva var init = function () { var options = []; scope.ngModel = scope.ngModel || []; // preparing data _.each(scope.choices, function (item) { // determino lo stato checked var checked = _.find(scope.ngModel, function (opt) { return _.isEqual(item.id, opt.id); }); ng.extend(item, { checked: !_.isUndefined(checked) }); // determino il padre var parent = _.find(options, function (m) { return _.isEqual(m.id, item.parent_id); }); if (_.isUndefined(parent)) { parent = _.extend({ items: [] }, item); } else { parent.items.push(ng.extend(item)); options = _.reject(options, function (m) { return _.isEqual(m.id, parent.id); }); } options.push(parent); }); scope.options = options; } var updateModel = function () { var preparedOptions = []; ng.forEach(scope.options, function (option) { if (option.checked) preparedOptions.push(_.pick(option, 'id', 'name', 'parent_id')); ng.forEach(option.items, function (suboption) { if (suboption.checked) preparedOptions.push(_.pick(suboption, 'id', 'name', 'parent_id')); }); }); scope.ngModel = preparedOptions; } scope.$watch('ngModel', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (ng.isDefined(newVal) && !ng.equals(newVal, oldVal) && !selfChanged) { init(); } }); scope.$watch('choices', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (ng.isDefined(newVal) && !ng.equals(newVal, oldVal)) { init(); } }); scope.toggleCheck = function (option) { selfChanged = true; option.checked = !option.checked; // se è ceccata ed è figlia allora cecco il padre if (option.checked && !_.isUndefined(option.parent_id) && !_.isNull(option.parent_id)) { var index = -1; for (var i = 0; i < scope.options.length; i++) { if (scope.options[i].id == option.parent_id) { index = i; break; } } if (index >= 0) scope.options[index].checked = true; } else if (!option.checked) { // se non è ceccata ed è padre de-cecco eventuali figli var childsIndex = []; for (var i = 0; i < scope.choices.length; i++) { if (scope.choices[i].parent_id == option.id) { childsIndex.push(i); } } ng.forEach(childsIndex, function (index) { scope.choices[index].checked = false; }); } updateModel(); $timeout(function () { selfChanged = false; }, 1); } init(); } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); /** * Enhanced Date picker with range * * @author : Alessio Grumiro * @date : 02 Apr 2014 */ (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpDaterangepicker', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { lpDaterangepicker: '=', uiStartdate: '=', uiEnddate: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var defaults = { format: 'DD/MM/YYYY', opens: 'left', minDate: '01/01/2000', startDate: moment(), endDate: moment(), separator: '-', singleDatePicker: false, labelTemplate: '{startDate} - {endDate}', blockKb: false } // determino la posizione di apertura in base al centro schermo della select var middleScreen = $(document).width() / 2; if (element.offset().left < middleScreen) defaults.opens = 'right'; var config = ng.extend(defaults, scope.lpDaterangepicker); if (config.singleDatePicker) { config.labelTemplate = '{startDate}'; } $(element).daterangepicker(config); scope.$watch('uiStartdate', function () { updateLabel(); }); scope.$watch('uiEnddate', function () { updateLabel(); }); var updateLabel = function () { var startDate = null; var endDate = null; if (!_.isUndefined(scope.uiStartdate) && !_.isNull(scope.uiStartdate) && (scope.uiStartdate != '')) { startDate = scope.uiStartdate; $(element).data('daterangepicker').setStartDate(startDate); } if (!config.singleDatePicker && !_.isUndefined(scope.uiEnddate) && !_.isNull(scope.uiEnddate) && (scope.uiEnddate != '')) { endDate = scope.uiEnddate; $(element).data('daterangepicker').setEndDate(endDate); } var label = null; if (endDate != null) { label = config.labelTemplate.replace('{startDate}', startDate).replace('{endDate}', endDate); } else { label = config.labelTemplate.replace('{startDate}', startDate); } $(element).val(label); } $(element).on('apply.daterangepicker', function (e, picker) { scope.uiStartdate = picker.startDate.format(config.format); if (!config.singleDatePicker) scope.uiEnddate = picker.endDate.format(config.format); if (!scope.$$phase) scope.$apply(); }); $(element).on('cancel.daterangepicker', function (e, picker) { scope.uiStartdate = null; if (!config.singleDatePicker) scope.uiEnddate = null; if (!scope.$$phase) scope.$apply(); }); $(element[0]).on('change', function (e, picker) { if ($(element[0]).val() == "") { scope.uiStartdate = null; if (!config.singleDatePicker) scope.uiEnddate = null; if (!scope.$$phase) scope.$apply(); } }); if (config.blockKb) { $(element) .off('keydown') .on('keydown', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); } } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); ;(function ($, ngmodule) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpEcommerce', function ($parse) { return { restrict: 'A', link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { $(element).data('ecommerce', attrs.lpEcommerce); // $(element).ecommerce(); } } } ); })(jQuery, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive')); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpGooglechart', [function () { var defaults = { title: '', width: '', height: '', is3D: false, legend: 'left' } return { require: '^ngModel', restrict: 'A', scope: { lpGooglechart: '=', ngModel: '=', columns: '=' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var init = function () { var config = defaults; if (!_.isUndefined(scope.lpGooglechart) && !_.isNull(scope.lpGooglechart)) config = ng.extend(config, scope.lpGooglechart); var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(scope.ngModel); var chart; switch (config.$type) { case 'bar': chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(element[0]); break; case 'column': chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(element[0]); break; default: chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(element[0]); } chart.draw(data, config); } scope.$watch('ngModel', function (newVal) { if (ng.isDefined(newVal) && !_.isEmpty(newVal)) startChecker(); }); var startChecker = function () { var checker = setInterval(function () { if (window.GOOGLECHARTS_READY) { clearInterval(checker); init(); } }, 1000); } } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function ($, ngmodule) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpupload', function ($parse) { return { scope: { "url": '=ngUrl', "name": '=ngName', "fileSelected": '=ngFileSelected', "uploaded": '=ngUploaded', "isLoading": '=ngIsLoading', "control": "=", "finish": "&ngFinish", "fileName": "=ngFileName" }, // required to make it work as an element restrict: 'E', template: '
', replace: true, // observe and manipulate the DOM link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { //disabled="disabled" var iframe = $("iframe", element)[0]; $scope.isUploaded = false; var formContainer = $(".form_container", element); var form = $("form", formContainer)[0]; form.action = $scope.url; form.method = "POST"; $(".btnSelect", element).on("click", function (evt) { $("input", formContainer).click(); }); $("input", formContainer).on("change", function () { var has_selected_file = $(this).filter(function () { return $.trim(this.value) != '' }).length > 0; var name = this.value; $scope.$apply(function (ev) { $scope.fileName = name; }); if (has_selected_file) { $scope.$apply(function (ev) { $scope.fileSelected = true; }); $(".btnCancel", element).removeAttr("disabled"); } }); $(".btnCancel", element).on("click", function (evt) { $("input", formContainer).val(''); $(".btnCancel", element).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $scope.$apply(function (ev) { $scope.fileSelected = false; $scope.fileName = ""; }); }); $(".btnCancel", element).attr("disabled", "disabled"); $scope.internalControl = $scope.control || {}; $scope.internalControl.upload = function () { $scope.isLoading = true; form.submit(); } } } } ); })(jQuery, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive')); (function (ng, ngmodule, _) { ngmodule.directive('inject', [function () { return { link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, controller, $transclude) { if (!$transclude) { throw minErr('ngTransclude')('orphan', 'Illegal use of ngTransclude directive in the template! ' + 'No parent directive that requires a transclusion found. ' + 'Element: {0}', startingTag($element)); } var innerScope = $scope.$new(); $transclude(innerScope, function (clone) { $element.empty(); $element.append(clone); $element.on('$destroy', function () { innerScope.$destroy(); }); }); } }; }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), _); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpKeyvalue', ['$log', '$timeout', function ($log, $timeout) { return { require: '^ngModel', restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: false, templateUrl: '/templates/keyvalue.html', scope: { ngModel: '=', onAdd: '&add', onRemove: '&remove' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var selfChanged = false; // usato per non fare init se la modifica di ngModel è fatta dalla direttiva var init = function () { scope.metas = []; if (ng.isDefined(scope.ngModel)) { try { var metas = JSON.parse(scope.ngModel) || []; ng.forEach(metas, function (value) { scope.metas.push(ng.extend(value, { cssClass: '' })); }); } catch (e) { $log.error("Errore mentre cercavo di parsare i metatags: " + e); } } } scope.addMeta = function () { scope.metas.push({ key: '', value: '', cssClass: 'new' }); (scope.onAdd||ng.noop)(); } scope.removeMeta = function (meta) { var index = _.keys(scope.metas).indexOf(meta.key); (scope.onRemove || ng.noop)(scope.metas[index]); scope.metas.splice(index, 1); } scope.saveMeta = function (meta) { selfChanged = true; meta.cssClass = 'saved'; if (_.isEmpty(scope.metas)) { scope.ngModel = null; } else { var newModel = []; ng.forEach(scope.metas, function(meta){ newModel.push(_.pick(meta, 'key', 'value')); }); scope.ngModel = JSON.stringify(newModel); } $timeout(function () { selfChanged = false; meta.cssClass = ''; }, 1000); } scope.$watch('ngModel', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (ng.isDefined(newVal) && !ng.equals(newVal, oldVal) && !selfChanged) { init(); } }); init(); } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function (ng, ngmodule) { ngmodule.directive('lpLookupField', ["$rootScope", "$q", "$http", "apiUrl", function ($rootScope, $q, $http, apiUrl) { return { restrict: 'AE', replace: true, template: '', scope: { field_url: '=fieldUrl', parent_data:'=parentData' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var values = []; var lastQuery = null; var cancelToken = null; var noSort = (_.isUndefined(attrs.noSort)) ? false : true; var params = {}; scope.search = function (val) { if (cancelToken != null) { cancelToken.resolve(); } if ((lastQuery != null) && (lastQuery.indexOf(val) >= 0)) { lastQuery = val; return values; } cancelToken = $q.defer(); lastQuery = val; params['q'] = val; if (!_.isUndefined(attrs.parentData) && window[scope.parent_data]) { params[scope.parent_data] = window[scope.parent_data]; } return $http.get(apiUrl + scope.field_url, { timeout: cancelToken.promise, params: params }).then(function (response) { cancelToken = null; values = []; if (ng.isDefined(response)) { if (noSort) values = response.data; else values = _.sortBy(response.data, function (o) { return o.type; }); values = _.groupBy(values, 'type'); values = _.map(values, function (g) { g[0].firstInGroup = true; return g; }); values = _.flatten(values); } return values; }); }; if (attrs.value) { scope.selected = attrs.value } } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive')); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpCardnumber', [function () { return { require: '^ngModel', restrict: 'A', scope: { config: '=lpCardnumber' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { //$(element).inputmask("9999-9999-9999-9999", { // oncomplete: function () { // if (/^\d+$/.test($(this).val())) // scope.ngModel = $(this).val(); // else // showTooltip("Il numero inserito non e' valido"); // } //}); var GetCardType=function(number) { // visa var re = new RegExp("^4"); if (number.match(re) != null) return "Visa"; // Mastercard // Updated for Mastercard 2017 BINs expansion if (/^(5[1-5][0-9]{14}|2(22[1-9][0-9]{12}|2[3-9][0-9]{13}|[3-6][0-9]{14}|7[0-1][0-9]{13}|720[0-9]{12}))$/.test(number)) return "Mastercard"; // AMEX re = new RegExp("^3[47]"); if (number.match(re) != null) return "AMEX"; // Discover re = new RegExp("^(6011|622(12[6-9]|1[3-9][0-9]|[2-8][0-9]{2}|9[0-1][0-9]|92[0-5]|64[4-9])|65)"); if (number.match(re) != null) return "Discover"; // Diners re = new RegExp("^36"); if (number.match(re) != null) return "Diners"; // Diners - Carte Blanche re = new RegExp("^30[0-5]"); if (number.match(re) != null) return "Diners - Carte Blanche"; // JCB re = new RegExp("^35(2[89]|[3-8][0-9])"); if (number.match(re) != null) return "JCB"; // Visa Electron re = new RegExp("^(4026|417500|4508|4844|491(3|7))"); if (number.match(re) != null) return "Visa Electron"; return ""; } $(element).on("keyup", function (event) { var number = $(element).val(); $(element).removeClass("visa"); $(element).removeClass("maestro"); $(element).removeClass("mastercard"); // visa var re = new RegExp("^4"); if (number.match(re) != null) $(element).addClass("visa"); // mastercard var re = new RegExp("^5[1-5]"); if (number.match(re) != null) $(element).addClass("mastercard"); // maestro var re = new RegExp("^5018|^5020|^5038|^5893|^6304|^6759|^6761|^6762|^6763"); if (number.match(re) != null) $(element).addClass("maestro"); $(element).val(number.replace(/\ /g,"")); }); } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpDatepicker', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { require: '^ngModel', restrict: 'A', scope: { config: '=lpDatepicker' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { $(element).inputmask("99/99/9999", { placeholder:"gg/mm/aaaa", oncomplete: function () { var date = moment($(this).val(), "DD/MM/YYYY"); if (!date.isValid() || (date.year() < 1900) || (date.year() > moment().year())) { //showTooltip("La data inserita non e' valida"); } else scope.ngModel = $(this).val(); } }); var showTooltip = function (msg) { var top = $(element).offset().top; var left = $(element).offset().left; var containerEl = $('
', { "class": "x-tooltip-container hidden-xs", css: { 'margin-top':$(element).outerHeight(true), 'display':'none', 'left': left + 'px', 'top': top + 'px' } }) $('', { "class":"arrow-top" }).appendTo(containerEl); $('

', { html: msg }).appendTo(containerEl); containerEl.appendTo($('body')).fadeIn('fast'); setTimeout(function () { containerEl.fadeOut('slow', function () { $(this).remove(); }); }, 5000); } } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpEmail', [function () { return { require: '^ngModel', restrict: 'A', scope: { config: '=lpEmail' }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var regex = /[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,4}/igm; /* $(element).inputmask({ mask: "*{1,20}[.*{1,20}][.*{1,20}][.*{1,20}]@*{1,20}[.*{2,6}][.*{1,2}]", greedy: false, onBeforePaste: function (pastedValue, opts) { pastedValue = pastedValue.toLowerCase(); return pastedValue.replace("mailto:", ""); }, definitions: { '*': { validator: "[0-9A-Za-z!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\-]", cardinality: 1, casing: "lower" } }, onincomplete: function () { showTooltip("L'indirizzo email inserito non e' valido"); }, oncomplete: function () { scope.ngModel = $(this).val(); } }); */ //$(element).blur(function () { // if ($(this).val() == '' || !regex.test($(this).val())) // showtooltip("l'indirizzo email inserito non e' valido"); //}); var showtooltip = function (msg) { var top = $(element).offset().top; var left = $(element).offset().left; var containerel = $('

', { "class": "x-tooltip-container hidden-xs", css: { 'margin-top': $(element).outerheight(true), 'display': 'none', 'left': left + 'px', 'top': top + 'px' } }) $('', { "class": "arrow-top" }).appendto(containerel); $('

', { html: msg }).appendto(containerel); containerel.appendto($('body')).fadein('fast'); settimeout(function () { containerel.fadeout('slow', function () { $(this).remove(); }); }, 5000); } } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpPhone', ['Utils', '$timeout', function (Utils, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { var timeoutPromise = null; $(element).inputmask({ mask: "9{0,10}", greedy: false, oncomplete: function () { var value = $(this).val(); hideTooltip(); if (timeoutPromise != null) $timeout.cancel(timeoutPromise); if (/^\d+$/.test(value)) { timeoutPromise = $timeout(function () { Utils.isValidPhone(value).then(function (r) { ngModel.$setValidity(attrs.ngModel, r); if (!r) { // showTooltip("Il numero di telefono inserito non e' valido"); } }); }, 2000); } else { // showTooltip("Il numero di telefono inserito non e' valido"); } } }); var hideTooltip = function () { // $("#tt_phone.x-tooltip-container").fadeOut('fast', function () { $(this).remove(); }); } var showTooltip = function (msg) { var top = $(element).offset().top; var left = $(element).offset().left; var containerEl = $('

', { "id": "tt_phone", "class": "x-tooltip-container hidden-xs", css: { 'margin-top':$(element).outerHeight(true), 'display':'none', 'left': left + 'px', 'top': top + 'px' } }) $('', { "class":"arrow-top" }).appendTo(containerEl); $('

', { html: msg }).appendTo(containerEl); containerEl.appendTo($('body')).fadeIn('fast'); setTimeout(function () { containerEl.fadeOut('slow', function () { $(this).remove(); }); }, 5000); } } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpSelect2', [function () { var defaults = {} return { restrict: 'A', scope: { }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var config = defaults; if (!_.isUndefined(attrs.lpSelect2) && !_.isEmpty(attrs.lpSelect2) && !_.isNull(attrs.lpSelect2) && _.isString(attrs.lpSelect2)) { config = ng.extend(config, JSON.parse(attrs.lpSelect2.replace(/'/g, '"'))); } $(element).select2(config); } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); ;(function(ng, ngmodule, _) { ngmodule.directive('lpSly', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { return { scope: { items: '=', containerClass: '@', options: '@', itemClick: '&', slidePage: '@', currentId: '@', canInit: '=', moveFn: '&' }, restrict: 'EA', replace: true, transclude: true, template: '

' + '' + ''+ '
'+ '
    '+ '
  • ' + ''+ '
  • '+ '
'+ '
'+ '
', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var htmlReady = false; var defaults, frameEl, nextBtn, prevBtn, nextPageBtn, prevPageBtn; var initSly = function () { if (htmlReady) { $timeout(function () { var args = ng.extend({}, defaults, JSON.parse(scope.options || "{}")); $(frameEl).sly(args); if (ng.isDefined(scope.moveFn)) { $(frameEl).sly('on', 'change', function () { scope.moveFn({ item: scope.items[this.rel.activeItem] }); }); } if (ng.isDefined(scope.currentId) && scope.currentId != '') setCurrentItemStyle(scope.currentId); }, 500); } } var setCurrentItemStyle = function (id) { if (htmlReady) { $('li', frameEl).removeClass('current'); var currentIndex = -1; ng.forEach(scope.items, function (item, index) { if (item.id == id) currentIndex = index; }); if (currentIndex >= 0) { $($('li', frameEl)[currentIndex]).addClass('current'); } } } var init = function () { $(element).removeData('container-class'); frameEl = $('.frame', element); if (scope.itemClick != null) { $(frameEl).on('click', 'li', function () { $('li', frameEl).removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); scope.itemClick({ item: scope.items[$(this).data('index')] }); }); } if (scope.slidePage) { nextPageBtn = $('button.forward', element); prevPageBtn = $('button.backward', element); } else { nextBtn = $('button.forward', element); prevBtn = $('button.backward', element); } defaults = { horizontal: 1, itemNav: 'forceCentered', smart: 1, activateOn: 'click', mouseDragging: 1, touchDragging: 1, releaseSwing: 1, startAt: 0, speed: 300, elasticBounds: 1, easing: 'easeOutExpo', dragHandle: 1, dynamicHandle: 1, clickBar: 1, prev: prevBtn, next: nextBtn, prevPage: prevPageBtn, nextPage: nextPageBtn, activateMiddle: true } htmlReady = true; if (ng.isDefined(scope.items) && scope.items.length > 0) initSly(); } scope.$watch('items', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (ng.isDefined(newVal) && newVal != oldVal &&htmlReady) { $(frameEl).sly(false); initSly(); } }); scope.$watch('canInit', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (newVal != oldVal && scope.canInit && !htmlReady) { init(); } }); scope.$on('lpsly-updatecurrent-id', function (evt, args) { setCurrentItemStyle(args.currentId); }); if (scope.canInit) init(); } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), _); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpVatcode', ['Utils', '$timeout', function (Utils, $timeout) { return { restrict: 'A', require: 'ngModel', link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) { ngModel.$validators.lpVatcode = function (modelValue, viewValue) { Utils.isValidVATCode(viewValue).then(function (r) { ngModel.$setValidity(attrs.ngModel, r); }); }; } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function (ng, ngmodule) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('numeric', function ($parse) { return { scope: { "number": '=ngModel', 'prefix': '@' }, // required to make it work as an element restrict: 'E', template: '
' + '{{prefix}}' + '' +'' +'' +'' + '' +'
', replace: true, // observe and manipulate the DOM link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { //attrs.$observe('caption', function(value) { // element.find('figcaption').text(value) //}) var number = 0; var update = function () { $scope.$apply(function (ev) { $scope.number = number; }); } $("input", element).on("keydown", function (evt) { evt = evt || window.event; var cancelKeypress = /^(48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55|56|57|58|59|16|24|37|38|39|40|8|9)$/.test("" + evt.keyCode); if (!cancelKeypress) { return false; } }); $scope.$watch("number", function (v) { number = parseFloat(v + "") || 0; number = Math.round(number * 100) + ""; var decimal = parseInt(number.substring(number.length - 2)) || 0; var integer = parseInt(number.substring(0, number.length - 2)) || 0; $("input.integer", element).val(integer); $("input.decimal", element).val(decimal); }); $("input", element).on("change", function () { try { number = parseFloat($("input.integer", element).val()) + parseFloat($("input.decimal", element).val()) / Math.pow(10, $("input.decimal", element).val().length); if (isNaN(number)) number = 0; } catch (e) { number = 0; } update(); }); } } } ); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive')); (function (ng, ngmodule) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('numericstep', function ($parse) { return { scope: { "number": '=ngModel', "step": '=step', }, // required to make it work as an element restrict: 'E', // replace with this html template: '
', replace: true, // observe and manipulate the DOM link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { //attrs.$observe('caption', function(value) { // element.find('figcaption').text(value) //}) if (!$scope.step) { $scope.step = 1; } var number = 0; var update = function () { $scope.$apply(function (ev) { $scope.number = number; }); } $(".up", element).click(function () { if (number || number === 0) number += $scope.step; else number = 0; $("input", element).val(number); update(); }); $(".down", element).click(function () { if (!number) number = 0; if (number - $scope.step >= 0) number -= $scope.step; $("input", element).val(number); update(); }); $("input", element).on("keydown", function (evt) { evt = evt || window.event; var cancelKeypress = /^(48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55|56|57|58|59|16|24|37|38|39|40)$/.test("" + evt.keyCode); if (!cancelKeypress) { return false; } }); $scope.$watch("number", function (v) { number = v; $("input", element).val(v); }); $("input", element).on("change", function () { try { number = parseInt($("input", element).val()); if (isNaN(number)) number = 0; number = Math.round(number / $scope.step) * $scope.step; } catch (e) { number = 0; } update(); }); } } } ); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive')); /** * Gestisce il load delle immagini con un'animazione in caso di src funzionante. * In caso di errori mostra immagine 1x1 transparente. */ (function (ng, ngmodule, _) { ngmodule.directive('lpResponsive', ['$window', function ($window) { return { restrict: 'A', scope: { lpResponsive: '=' }, template: '', link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var classesJson = _.isString(scope.lpResponsive) ? JSON.parse(scope.lpResponsive) : scope.lpResponsive; // classesJson = {'mobile':'btn-xs', 'tablet':'btn-sm', 'desktop': 'btn', 'desktop-lg': 'btn-lg'} var update = function () { var device = 'desktop'; var w = ng.element($window).width(); if (w < 768) { device = 'mobile'; } else if (w >= 768 && w < 992) { device = 'tablet'; } else if (w >= 992 && w < 1200) { device = 'desktop'; } else if (w >= 1200) { device = 'desktop-lg'; } for (var c in classesJson) ng.element(element).removeClass(classesJson[c]); var cssClass = classesJson[device]; if (ng.isDefined(cssClass)) { ng.element(element).addClass(cssClass); } } var t; ng.element($window).bind('resize', function () { clearTimeout(t); t = setTimeout(function() { update(); scope.$apply(); }, 300); }); update(); } }; }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), _); (function (ng, ngmodule, $, _) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('lpTokenfield', ['$timeout', function ($timeout) { var defaults = { delimiter: ',', inputType: 'text' } return { require: '^ngModel', restrict: 'A', scope: { ngModel:"=" }, link: function (scope, element, attrs) { var selfChanged = false; // usato per non fare init se la modifica di ngModel è fatta dalla direttiva var config = {}; /*if (!_.isUndefined(attrs.lpTokenfield) && !_.isEmpty(attrs.lpTokenfield) && !_.isNull(attrs.lpTokenfield) && _.isString(attrs.lpTokenfield)) config = ng.extend(config, JSON.parse(attrs.lpTokenfield));*/ var init = function () { $(element).tokenfield(config); $(element).off().on('tokenfield:createdtoken tokenfield:removedtoken tokenfield:editedtoken', function () { selfChanged = true; updateModel(); $timeout(function () { selfChanged = false; }, 1); }); } var updateModel = function () { scope.ngModel = $(element).tokenfield('getTokensList'); } scope.$watch('ngModel', function (newVal, oldVal) { if (ng.isDefined(newVal) && !selfChanged) { init(); $(element).tokenfield('setTokens', newVal); } }); scope.$on('$destroy', function () { $(element).tokenfield('destroy'); }); init(); } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive'), jQuery, _); (function ($, ngmodule) { 'use strict'; ngmodule.directive('visualcheck', function ($parse) { return { scope: { "model": '=ngModel', "imgCheck": '=ngImageCheck', "imgUncheck": '=ngImageUncheck', }, // required to make it work as an element restrict: 'E', template: '
', replace: true, // observe and manipulate the DOM link: function ($scope, element, attrs) { $(".check", element).on("click", function (evt) { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.model = false; }); }); $(".uncheck", element).on("click", function (evt) { $scope.$apply(function () { $scope.model = true; }); }); $scope.$watch("model", function (v) { if (v) { $(".check", element).show(); $(".uncheck", element).hide(); } else { $(".check", element).hide(); $(".uncheck", element).show(); } }); $scope.$watch("imgCheck", function (v) { $(".check", element).attr("src", v); }); $scope.$watch("imgUncheck", function (v) { $(".uncheck", element).attr("src", v); }); } } } ); })(jQuery, angular.module('liquidpixels.directive')); /* * */ ;(function(ng, ngmodule){ ngmodule.filter('dateformat', ['$log', function ($log) { return function (text, outformat, informat) { if (text === undefined) return ""; try { var date = moment(text); if (ng.isDefined(informat)) date = moment(text, informat); return date.format(outformat); } catch (e) { $log.error('Error while parsing date: '+e); return "error"; } } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.filters')); /* * */ ;(function(ng, ngmodule){ ngmodule.filter('truncate', function(){ return function(text, length, end){ if (text === undefined) return ""; if (isNaN(length)) length = 10; if (end === undefined) end = "..."; var maxLength = length - end.length; return (text.length>maxLength)?text.substring(0, maxLength)+end:text; } }); ngmodule.filter('unsafe', function($sce) { return function(val) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(val); }; }); ngmodule.filter("unique", function () { // we will return a function which will take in a collection // and a keyname return function (collection, keyname) { // we define our output and keys array; var output = [], keys = []; // we utilize angular's foreach function // this takes in our original collection and an iterator function angular.forEach(collection, function (item) { // we check to see whether our object exists var key = item[keyname]; // if it's not already part of our keys array if (keys.indexOf(key) === -1) { // add it to our keys array keys.push(key); // push this item to our final output array output.push(item); } }); // return our array which should be devoid of // any duplicates return output; }; }); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.filters')); ;(function (ng, ngmodule) { ngmodule.filter('typeahead', ['$log', function ($log) { return function (text, term, ignoreCase) { if (text == null || term == null) return; var terms = term.split(" "); var output = ""; for (var i = 0; i < terms.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(terms[i] , 'g' + (ignoreCase) ? 'i' : ''); text = text.replace(pattern, "#1#$#"); } text = text.split("#1#").join(""); text = text.split("#2#").join(""); return text; } }]); })(angular, angular.module('liquidpixels.filters'));